Sustainability revolution through biosurfactants
AmphiStar offers a portfolio of locally produced microbial biosurfactants to companies seeking to develop sustainable, performant & affordable products with surfactants as important performance ingredients. AmphiStars’ surfactants are part of a platform technology and are not linked to fossil feedstocks, direct land use or deforestation and offer a sustainable alternative to companies in the home- and personal care sector, but also to other sectors applying surfactants such as the agro-, food- and feed sectors. The surfactant market is huge, with 20 million tonnes produced each year and many different varieties and properties, mainly produced from fossil- and palm feedstocks through classic chemistry. Diversity in surfactants is key for such a wide range of applications, yet still lacking for biosurfactants. AmphiStar offers a game changing technology using biobased (waste) feedstocks and biological and mild processing to produce a portfolio of sustainable biosurfactants. AmphiStar is the first company to produce and offer such broad biosurfactant diversity and to offer sophorolipid products to market which are 100% sourced from biobased waste- and side streams.
“As a fund, ECBFs scopes is perfectly in line with AmphiStars ambitions and technology. Moreover, the fund has a very good reputation in the bio-economy sector, which will only enhance our credibility. ECBF is also well connected, which will help us to speed up faster and last but not least, ECBF will be able to join also in the next funding round, which will be crucial for AmphiStars’ ambitious plans.”
Sophie Roelants - Co-founder and COO
AmphiStar BV
Frieda Saeysstraat 1
9052 Ghent
ECBF Deal Team
Michael Nettersheim
Managing Partner
Jowita Sewerska
Investment Director
Jisk de Vries