The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
The PRI is the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment. It works: to understand the investment implications of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors; to support its international network of investor signatories in incorporating these factors into their investment and ownership decisions. The PRI has over 3,600 signatories who collectively manage US$100 trillion in AUM.
INVEST EUROPE represents Europe’s private equity, venture capital and infrastructure investment firms, as well as their investors. The association aims to promote a better understanding of private equity that enables their members to invest capital and expertise into improving businesses and generating returns for investors, free from unnecessary regulation and constraints.
Circular Bioeconomy Alliance (CBA)
The Circular Bioeconomy Alliance was established by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales in 2020 under his Sustainable Markets Initiative to accelerate the transition to a circular bioeconomy that is climate neutral, inclusive and prospers in harmony with nature. The Alliance provides knowledge-informed support as well as a learning and networking platform to connect the dots between investors, companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations and local communities to advance the circular bioeconomy while restoring biodiversity globally.
EIT – Food
European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Food is Europe’s leading food initiative working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted. EIT Food’s role is to bring all players together and guide and accelerate the innovation process that will transform the food system. EIT Food’s strength comes from partners, which represent over 85 of Europe’s leading agrifood companies, research institutes and universities. The network also includes the RisingFoodStars Association, bringing together Europe’s best agrifood startups and scaleups.
The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU)
The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) is a €2 billion partnership between the European Union and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) that funds projects advancing competitive circular bio-based industries in Europe. CBE JU aims to support research and innovation, de-risk investments, address technological, regulatory and market challenges, and strengthen collaboration between various actors from the bio-based industries sector, while at the same time placing sustainability at the core of its operations
European Forest Institute
A pan-European international organization that provides forest-related knowledge around three interconnected and interdisciplinary themes: bioeconomy, resilience, and governance. With a staff of over 100 experts in several offices across Europe, EFI is in a unique position to generate, connect and share knowledge at the interface between science and policy.
Tech Tour
Tech Tour is an independent organization committed to the development of emerging technology companies in Europe. Founded in Geneva in 1998, Tech Tour Community is the largest investor-oriented community in Europe, connecting entrepreneurs, investors and corporate partners worldwide. Over 2000 high-tech companies and 750 investors take part in 25 leading tech programmes held each year. Companies present in Tech Tour programmes have participated in deals for EUR 15bn+ over the last 10 years.
The European Bioeconomy Network
EuBioNet is a proactive alliance of nearly 80 EU funded projects and initiatives dealing with Bioeconomy promotion, communication and support. The main goal of the European Bioeconomy Network is to maximize the European Commission efforts, the knowledge sharing, networking, mutual learning, coordination of joint activities and events supporting the sustainable circular bioeconomy uptake.
Cluster industrielle Biotechnologie (CLIB)
CLIB (Cluster Industrial Biotechnology) is an international open innovation cluster of large companies, SMEs, academic institutes, and universities, as well as other stakeholders active in biotechnology and bioeconomy as a whole. The cluster comprises over 100 members with a share of about 25 % international members. CLIB is a non-profit association, with its members shaping the cluster’s interests and activities.
The Irish Bioeconomy Foundation (IBF)
The Irish Bioeconomy Foundation (IBF) is as a not-for profit association and innovation cluster, funded and supported by Enterprise Ireland, the Irish Government, and Bio-Based Industry. IBF mission is to promote the conversion of Ireland’s natural land & sea resources to high value products to reach a sustainable bioeconomy that is globally competitive and creates local development. IBF facilitates relations among innovative business champions; generates synergies between sustainable initiatives; and enables innovative projects to reach their next level.
Submariner Network for Blue Growth
SUBMARINER is an umbrella organization for multi-stakeholders active within the blue bioeconomy. It promotes the sustainable use of marine resources in the Baltic Sea Region and brings together actors across the borders for the successful development of marine bio-based products. By running an Accelerator for Blue Growth, start-ups and spin-offs meet investors and get tailored mentoring to scaling-up.
Asociación de la Industria Navarra
AIN is a private association in Spain that, through its specialized knowledge in management and technology, promotes collaboration and the improvement of the competitive position of the industry to be the reference in the development and improvement of the competitiveness of the industrial companies of Navarre (Spain). AIN supports sustainable and innovative companies and promotes circular business models.
Business Joensuu Oy
BJOE is a regional development company in North Karelia, Finland, providing services to establish, grow and internationalize companies. Services include start-up services, an accelerator program with an European scope, as well as growth and export coaching, financing, and investments. One of the spearhead industries in North Karelia is forest and bioeconomy, with over 1 billion Euros business and extensive RDI.
Ghent University
UGent has the bioeconomy in its DNA. It organizes the yearly RRB conference, invests in infrastructure (Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant) and run an international network on green chemistry (GREEN-CHEM). It holds the secretariat to the Biorefine Cluster Europe, a collaborative framework with 29 active EU projects in the bioeconomy (H2020, LIFE, INTERREG, BBI-JU), and has an industry oriented business development centre called “End-of-Waste”.
BlueBio Alliance
BBA is a non-profit Portuguese association representing all players in the marine bioresources and blue biotech value chain to promote and develop the blue bioresources sector. BBA has an extended international industry and market network supporting entrepreneurship and innovation for blue products market development and expansion. BBA is the co-organizer of BLUE BIO VALUE, the first international accelerator program in the blue bioeconomy.
Food for Sustainability
F4S is a collaborative laboratory approved by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT), under Agência Nacional para Inovação. It aims to solve large-scale problems in bio-based food systems for climate resiliency and transfer knowledge and applied research regarding circular, sustainable, and regenerative food production systems. The non-profit-based organization consists of 4 production associations, 4 academic institutions, 6 market-driven companies and a deep tech accelerator (BGI Accelerator).
Circular Bioeconomy Cluster SW
The Circular Bioeconomy Cluster South-West develops and promotes the circular bioeconomy in the South-West region of Ireland. It aims to build a thriving ecosystem of industry, SMEs, researchers, investors and government to foster a bio-based economy and support enterprise profit through business opportunities and promotion. The cluster focuses on the aspects of innovation where the region excels, namely Waste-to-Value and Marine.
German AgriFood Society
The German AgriFood Society was founded in October 2019 to improve the AgriFood innovation ecosystem in Germany and Europe. Together with partners from agriculture, the food industry, associations, venture capitalists and civil society, progress is being conceived and made from field to plate. The German AgriFood Society is committed to regenerative agriculture and a sustainable food supply that maintains or restores our natural living conditions. In particular, the focus is on the necessary framework conditions that enable innovators to work positively along the entire value chain of the agriculture and food industry.
Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI)
The Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) is an organization for all companies working in and on renewable chemicals and materials – plastics, composites, fibres and other products can be produced either from biomass, directly via CO2 utilisation, or recycling. RCI members profit from a unique network of pioneers in the sustainable chemical industry.
Assobiotec Federchimica
Assobiotec, the Italian Association for the Development of Biotechnology, represents 130+ companies and science and technology parks operating in bioeconomy and healthcare. It brings together a variety of enterprises and organizations firmly united by a propensity for innovation and the use of biotechnology. All associated companies offer concrete responses to increasingly pressing needs regarding public health, environmental conservation, food and agriculture.
SMAU International
Smau is the main business matching platform in Italy about innovation, chosen each year by over 50,000 entrepreneurs, managers and decision-makers to grow and update on topics such as innovation, leading-edge technology, digital and internationalization. Smau connects companies with the entire innovation ecosystem following the dynamics of open innovation.
Growing IL
GrowingIL is the official Israeli AgTech community with over 500 Agtech companies and 4,816 community members. Their mission is to support the growth of the Israeli AgTech sector and enhance the implementation of innovation in their field, while simultaneously positioning Israel as a global innovation center for AgTech.
Building Global Innovators (BGI)
BGI is a world class deep tech startup accelerator based in Portugal. BGI’s vision is to improve the planet by ensuring disruptive deep tech successfully reaches the market and create a connected generation of builders, through capacitation, finance, and exclusive opportunities. Some of these programs are: the EIT Climate KIC Accelerator, Empowering Women in Agrifood, Idanha Food Lab Accelerator and Circular4Good.
BIOeast is the Central-Eastern European Initiative for Knowledge-based Agriculture, Aquaculture and Forestry in the Bioeconomy – BIOeast – offers a common political commitment and shared strategic research and innovation framework for working towards sustainable bio-based economies to enhance inclusive growth and to create new value-added jobs in the macro-region. Ministerial bodies of 11 Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries aim to mobilize research organizations, industry, NGOs and the general public towards developing knowledge and cooperation based circular bioeconomies.
Tech Founders
TechFounders is an international accelerator program based in Munich, Germany. A total of 127 startups have joined the accelerator program since 2015. With TechFounders, UnternehmerTUM strengthens its role as a central platform for cooperation between startups and companies. TechFounders also operates the SAP.iO accelerator program in Munich and the RESPOND Accelerator Program for the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt. Sustainability, Ag-tech, Food-Tech, and Deep-Tech are some relevant sectors covered.
Unknown Group
Unknown is an early-stage venture capital and business development firm, supporting founders and industry leaders to successfully bring innovations to the market: a “Venture Engine®”. With a fresh approach delivering venture success, lining up the industry and creating a pool of solutions ready to be adopted by the market.
Bioeconomy For Change (B4C)
B4C is a leading French Bioeconomy Cluster, recognised across Europe and internationally. It gathers over 500+ members from across the entire bio-based value chain, from upstream agricultural inputs to the marketing of finished products. Members include agricultural cooperatives, research institutions and universities, companies of all sizes, public stakeholders. B4C focuses particularly on integrated biorefineries, advanced biofuels, biomaterials, biochemicals and food ingredients.
nova-Institute is a private and independent research institute, founded in 1994; nova offers research and consultancy with a focus on the transition of the chemical and material industry to renewable carbon.
bioeconomy ventures
The EU-funded project BioeconomyVentures built the first startup/investor matchmaking platform in the European bioeconomy space. This reference platform also offers trainings and brokerage services for innovators, and 50 Explore and Expand pitching events are organised across Europe between between 2021 and 2023.
SPRING - Italian Bioeconomy Cluster
SPRING creates networks and value chains for Italy’s bio-based industry, acting as the Italian Circular Bioeconomy Cluster.
The aim is to help create the conditions for the development of an attractive, dynamic, innovative, competitive and expanding industrial and academic environment and fabric.